Monitoring GPU temperatures with nvidia-smi and Check MK (OMD)

In the previous post on this subject we used code from Technische Universität Kaiserslautern to monitor our GPUs using OMD checkmk (now checkmk raw). With some new RTX2080s installed this broke, as the nvidia-smi check doesn’t report anything for ECC errors (rather than 0, as previous cards did). The solution was to remove the ECC checking completely.

The new scripts are:

On the client system in /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/ (or plugins/)

if which nvidia-smi >/dev/null; then
   echo '<<<nvidia_smi>>>'
   nvidia-smi -q -x > /tmp/.check_mk_nvidia_smi
   cards=$(xml_grep --text_only 'nvidia_smi_log/attached_gpus' /tmp/.check_mk_nvidia_smi | tr -d ' ')
   IFS=$'\n' names=($(xml_grep --text_only 'nvidia_smi_log/gpu/product_name' /tmp/.check_mk_nvidia_smi | tr -d ' '))
   IFS=$'\n' fan_speed=($(xml_grep --text_only 'nvidia_smi_log/gpu/fan_speed' /tmp/.check_mk_nvidia_smi | tr -d ' '))
   IFS=$'\n' gpu_utilization=($(xml_grep --text_only 'nvidia_smi_log/gpu/utilization/gpu_util' /tmp/.check_mk_nvidia_smi | tr -d ' '))
   IFS=$'\n' mem_utilization=($(xml_grep --text_only 'nvidia_smi_log/gpu/utilization/memory_util' /tmp/.check_mk_nvidia_smi | tr -d ' '))
   IFS=$'\n' temperature=($(xml_grep --text_only 'nvidia_smi_log/gpu/temperature/gpu_temp' /tmp/.check_mk_nvidia_smi | tr -d ' '))
   IFS=$'\n' power_draw=($(xml_grep --text_only 'nvidia_smi_log/gpu/power_readings/power_draw' /tmp/.check_mk_nvidia_smi | tr -d ' '))
   IFS=$'\n' power_limit=($(xml_grep --text_only 'nvidia_smi_log/gpu/power_readings/power_limit' /tmp/.check_mk_nvidia_smi | tr -d ' '))

   for i in $(seq 1 $cards) ; do
       index=$(($i - 1))
       echo "$index ${names[$index]} ${fan_speed[$index]} ${gpu_utilization[$index]} ${mem_utilization[$index]} ${temperature[$index]} ${power_draw[$index]} ${power_limit[$index]}"
[/code title="nvidia_smi" lang="python"]

Don't forget to make it executable! You also need xml_grep installed.

On the OMD server at <code>/omd/sites/omd_XYZ/local/share/check_mk/checks/</code>

# -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
# +------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |             ____ _               _        __  __ _  __           |
# |            / ___| |__   ___  ___| | __   |  \/  | |/ /           |
# |           | |   | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ /   | |\/| | ' /            |
# |           | |___| | | |  __/ (__|   <    | |  | | . \            |
# |            \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_|  |_|_|\_\           |
# |                                                                  |
# | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2012    |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------+
# This file is part of Check_MK.
# The official homepage is at
# check_mk is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the  terms of the  GNU General Public License  as published by
# the Free Software Foundation in version 2.  check_mk is  distributed
# in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  with-
# out even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY  or  FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the  GNU General Public License for more de-
# ails.  You should have  received  a copy of the  GNU  General Public
# License along with GNU Make; see the file  COPYING.  If  not,  write
# to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St,  Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

# Check developed by
# Dr. Markus Hillenbrand
# University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

# the inventory functions

def inventory_nvidia_smi_fan(info):
    inventory = []
    for line in info:
        if line[2] != 'N/A':
           inventory.append( ("GPU"+line[0], "", None) )
    return inventory
def inventory_nvidia_smi_gpuutil(info):
    inventory = []
    for line in info:
        if line[3] != 'N/A':
           inventory.append( ("GPU"+line[0], "", None) )
    return inventory
def inventory_nvidia_smi_memutil(info):
    inventory = []
    for line in info:
        if line[4] != 'N/A':
           inventory.append( ("GPU"+line[0], "", None) )
    return inventory
def inventory_nvidia_smi_temp(info):
    inventory = []
    for line in info:
        if line[5] != 'N/A':
           inventory.append( ("GPU"+line[0], "", None) )
    return inventory
def inventory_nvidia_smi_power(info):
    inventory = []
    for line in info:
        if line[6] != 'N/A' and line[7] != "N/A":
           inventory.append( ("GPU"+line[0], "", None) )
    return inventory

# the check functions

def check_nvidia_smi_fan(item, params, info):
    for line in info:
        if "GPU"+line[0] == item:
           value = int(line[2])
           perfdata = [('fan', value, 90, 95, 0, 100 )]
           if value > 95:
              return (2, "CRITICAL - %s fan speed is %d%%" % (line[1], value), perfdata)
           elif value > 90:
              return (1, "WARNING - %s fan speed is %d%%" % (line[1], value), perfdata)
              return (0, "OK - %s fan speed is %d%%" % (line[1], value), perfdata)
    return (3, "UNKNOWN - GPU %s not found in agent output" % item)

def check_nvidia_smi_gpuutil(item, params, info):
    for line in info:
        if "GPU"+line[0] == item:
           value = int(line[3])
           perfdata = [('gpuutil', value, 100, 100, 0, 100 )]
           return (0, "OK - %s utilization is %s%%" % (line[1], value), perfdata)
    return (3, "UNKNOWN - GPU %s not found in agent output" % item)

def check_nvidia_smi_memutil(item, params, info):
    for line in info:
        if "GPU"+line[0] == item:
           value = int(line[4])
           perfdata = [('memutil', value, 100, 100, 0, 100 )]
           if value > 95:
              return (2, "CRITICAL - %s memory utilization is %d%%" % (line[1], value), perfdata)
           elif value > 90:
              return (1, "WARNING - %s memory utilization is %d%%" % (line[1], value), perfdata)
              return (0, "OK - %s memory utilization is %d%%" % (line[1], value), perfdata)
    return (3, "UNKNOWN - GPU %s not found in agent output" % item)

def check_nvidia_smi_temp(item, params, info):
    for line in info:
        if "GPU"+line[0] == item:
           value = int(line[5])
           perfdata = [('temp', value, 80, 90, 0, 95 )]
           if value > 90:
              return (2, "CRITICAL - %s temperature is %dC" % (line[1], value), perfdata)
           elif value > 80:
              return (1, "WARNING - %s temperature is %dC" % (line[1], value), perfdata)
              return (0, "OK - %s temperature is %dC" % (line[1], value), perfdata)
    return (3, "UNKNOWN - GPU %s not found in agent output" % item)

def check_nvidia_smi_power(item, params, info):
    for line in info:
        if "GPU"+line[0] == item:
           draw = float(line[6])
           limit = float(line[7])
           value = draw * 100.0 / limit
           perfdata = [('power', draw, limit * 0.8, limit * 0.9, 0, limit )]
           if value > 90:
              return (2, "CRITICAL - %s power utilization is %d%% of %dW" % (line[1], value, limit), perfdata)
           elif value > 80:
              return (1, "WARNING - %s power utilization is %d%% of %dW" % (line[1], value, limit), perfdata)
              return (0, "OK - %s power utilization is %d%% of %dW" % (line[1], value, limit), perfdata)
    return (3, "UNKNOWN - GPU %s not found in agent output" % item)

# declare the check to Check_MK

check_info['']     = (check_nvidia_smi_fan,     "%s fan speed"      , 1, inventory_nvidia_smi_fan)
check_info['nvidia_smi.gpuutil'] = (check_nvidia_smi_gpuutil, "%s utilization"    , 1, inventory_nvidia_smi_gpuutil)
check_info['nvidia_smi.memutil'] = (check_nvidia_smi_memutil, "%s memory"         , 1, inventory_nvidia_smi_memutil)
check_info['nvidia_smi.temp']    = (check_nvidia_smi_temp,    "%s temperature"    , 1, inventory_nvidia_smi_temp)
check_info['nvidia_smi.power']   = (check_nvidia_smi_power,   "%s power"          , 1, inventory_nvidia_smi_power)

To get the pretty indicators put this in /omd/sites/omd_XYZ/share/check_mk/web/plugins/perfometer/


def perfometer_nvidia_smi_fan(row, check_command, perf_data):
    varname, value, unit, warn, crit, minn, maxx = perf_data[0]
    perc_used = 100 * (float(value) / float(maxx))
    perc_free = 100 - float(perc_used)
    return str(value)+" %", '<table><tr>' \
                               + perfometer_td(perc_used, '#0f8') \
                               + perfometer_td(perc_free, '#fff') \
                               + '</tr></table>'
def perfometer_nvidia_smi_gpuutil(row, check_command, perf_data):
    varname, value, unit, warn, crit, minn, maxx = perf_data[0]
    perc_used = 100 * (float(value) / float(maxx))
    perc_free = 100 - float(perc_used)
    return str(value)+" %", '<table><tr>' \
                               + perfometer_td(perc_used, '#0f8') \
                               + perfometer_td(perc_free, '#fff') \
                               + '</tr></table>'
def perfometer_nvidia_smi_memutil(row, check_command, perf_data):
    varname, value, unit, warn, crit, minn, maxx = perf_data[0]
    perc_used = 100 * (float(value) / float(maxx))
    perc_free = 100 - float(perc_used)
    return str(value)+" %", '<table><tr>' \
                               + perfometer_td(perc_used, '#0f8') \
                               + perfometer_td(perc_free, '#fff') \
                               + '</tr></table>'
def perfometer_nvidia_smi_temp(row, check_command, perf_data):
    varname, value, unit, warn, crit, minn, maxx = perf_data[0]
    perc_used = 100 * (float(value) / float(maxx))
    perc_free = 100 - float(perc_used)
    return str(value)+" C", '<table><tr>' \
                               + perfometer_td(perc_used, '#0f8') \
                               + perfometer_td(perc_free, '#fff') \
                               + '</tr></table>'
def perfometer_nvidia_smi_power(row, check_command, perf_data):
    varname, value, unit, warn, crit, minn, maxx = perf_data[0]
    perc_used = 100 * (float(value) / float(maxx))
    perc_free = 100 - float(perc_used)
    return str(value)+" W", '<table><tr>' \
                               + perfometer_td(perc_used, '#0f8') \
                               + perfometer_td(perc_free, '#fff') \
                               + '</tr></table>'

perfometers['']     = perfometer_nvidia_smi_fan
perfometers['check_mk-nvidia_smi.gpuutil'] = perfometer_nvidia_smi_gpuutil
perfometers['check_mk-nvidia_smi.memutil'] = perfometer_nvidia_smi_memutil
perfometers['check_mk-nvidia_smi.temp']    = perfometer_nvidia_smi_temp
perfometers['check_mk-nvidia_smi.power']   = perfometer_nvidia_smi_power

Published by

Jamie Scott

IT Administrator at the Institute for Gravitational Research, University of Glasgow