Using custom Diffie-Hellman parameters with Apache 2.2.22 and OpenSSL 1.0.1e (Debian 7 Wheezy)

See for the problem – 1024 bit Diffie-Hellman keys are potentially breakable (the ‘logjam’ vulnerability). This can be fixed in Apache 2.4 by pointing it at a custom key, but up to recently ver 2.2 was vulnerable. The issue was fixed in apache 2.2.22-13+deb7u5, which allows a custom DH key to be appended to the server certificate. To use this in Debian 7:

Update to apache 2.2.22-13+deb7u5 or higher.

Generate a new Diffie-Hellman group using

openssl dhparam -out dhparams.pem 2048

Find where the appropriate server certificate file is – standard debian setup specifies this in


Append the DH group to the server certificate

cat dhparams.pem >> server_certificate.pem

The resulting file should look like

more stuff

Restart Apache.

Checking this using the shows DH 2048 bits

Proxmox clustering and multicast (also, DNS)

After much problems with getting a new Proxmox cluster up and running two things have helped:

Putting the SAN IP addresses in the hosts file, avoiding DNS dependancies (especially when one of the systems isn’t in there yet…). This put me on track:

Important bit: localhost.localdomain localhost proxmox1.local proxmox1 pvelocalhost proxmox2.local proxmox2

This associates the short aliases with the network used by corosync, while leaving the long addresses to the outside world.

Then tried tests detailed at:,_quorum_and_cluster_issues

The multicast test failed – i.e. running

omping -c 10000 -i 0.001 -F -q <list of all nodes>

on both nodes at the same time resulted in 100% loss. Fixed this by disabling IGMP snooping on the SAN VLAN. ExtremeOS command is:

disable igmp snooping <vlanname>

Hey presto, after getting the second node to join properly:

pvecm add -force

it gets quorum immediately. I suspect this issue was causing a lot of the historical issues with getting quorum to work on this switch.

Configuring Proxmox hosts (and other postfix installs) to send email via smarthost V2

In this post suggested using the Satellite system option. However, this seems to do the same as the mail sent by smarthost; no local mail option in exim – i.e. even local mail to root tries to go via the smarthost, which then complains. The Internet with smarthost option is probably the better choice (equivalent to exim’s mail sent by smarthost; received via SMTP or fetchmail).

N.B. Normal proxmox setup seems to be for postfix to use /etc/aliases directly. Double check this file!

RAID Monitoring: PERC H710 Mini and Debian

Debian 7 works with the PERC H710 Mini in a Dell R520 out of the box. To monitor this however you need a binary from LSI. Helpfully, this comes in a packaged form from pointed me in the right direction. To install, add the repo in a .list file:

deb wheezy main

and then add the key:

wget -O - | apt-key add -

Update the repository lists, and then install the relevant package:

apt-get install megaclisas-status

Running megaclisas-status should then give the status of the array(s). The script is set up by default to email root every two hours if there is a problem. These defaults can be overridden using a defaults file:


You need to create this if necessary. The defaults are:

MAILTO=root # Where to report problems
PERIOD=600 # Seconds between each check (default 10 minutes)
REMIND=7200 # Seconds between each reminder (default 2 hours)

(can be found in)


If you have the system set up to divert root email to you then it should just work.

A nice way of configuring linux system-wide login notifications using PAM

There are several ways to have a linux box email you when someone logs in to it. Most of these use a script in either the local profile files (for individual users) or the system-wide profile (and/or in sshrc). Another nice way is to use the pam authentication system to do the job. A setup is given at:

Brief setup

Assuming Debian here.

Make sure the system is set up to talk to an email server and has some way of sending emails from the command line. The script here assumes the mailx package is installed.

Quick test:

echo "test" | mail -s "test"

Create a script somewhere sensible (e.g. /usr/local/bin) and make it executable.

[ "$PAM_TYPE" = "open_session" ] || exit 0
echo "User: $PAM_USER"
echo "Ruser: $PAM_RUSER"
echo "Rhost: $PAM_RHOST"
echo "Service: $PAM_SERVICE"
echo "TTY: $PAM_TTY"
echo "Date: `date`"
echo "Server: `uname -a`"
} | mail -s "`hostname -s` $PAM_SERVICE login: $PAM_USER"

replacing with the required email address. Note that you could send the email to root or another local account if you have that aliased to an external address.

edit /etc/pam.d/common-session to add at the end:

session optional /usr/local/bin/login_notify

and test it by logging in with an ssh session (terminal or winscp etc.)

Sudo uses common-session-noninteractive – not sure whether it would be best to put this in /etc/pam.d/sudo as well…

Wireless problems with Ubuntu 13.10 and self-signed certificates

Ubuntu 13.10 (and possibly 13.04) seem to have a problem with self-signed certificates when authenticating to wireless radius servers (i.e. the GUPHYSICS wifi). This is discussed in a variety of places:

The problem seems to be that the Network Manager setup is adding the line:




even if you tick ignore when the system asks about certs the first time. Changing the value of the setting to false seems to fix this, although there is a possibility that it might get changed back by NM. (or delete the setting entirely, which seems to have happened on this laptop. Hmmm)

There is apparently a bugfix in place and rolled out to other distributions, but Ubuntu doesn’t have it yet…

Another way to fix this would be to get the certificate (probably in .pem format) and point the settings to it.

updatedb.mlocate hangs on stale NFS mounts (Proxmox)

After properly configuring postfix on the Proxmox hosts to send email, emails to root were noticed daily:

 /usr/bin/updatedb.mlocate: `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db' is locked (probably by an earlier updatedb)
 run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/mlocate exited with return code 1

After logging on to one of the boxes, killing (-9) the updatedb process and running it with verbose on:

updatedb.mlocate -v

The output indicated it was hanging on one of the ”/mnt” directories. Looking at the output of ”mount” a couple of old nfs shares were noticed, that should have been deleted (and didn’t appear in the GUI). Unmounting these shares made updatedb run happily.

If the unmount complains the device is busy, check the updatedb.mlocate process has been killed.

Configuring Proxmox hosts (and other postfix installs) to send email via smarthost

Proxmox uses postfix as its MTA. To configure this to send email via smarthost run

dpkg-reconfigure postfix

For general type we want Satellite

SMTP server - usual

Mailbox size – could use the suggested 51200000 here – should be more than big enough seeing as nothing should be ending up in the system mailbox anyway.

Once this is done, edit ”/etc/aliases”. It should look like:

postmaster: root
nobody: root
hostmaster: root
webmaster: root
www: root

Add a line at the end:


Regenerate the database with ”newaliases” (or possibly ”postalias filename” on other distributions)

Test with something like

echo "test" | mail -s "test mail sent to root" root

Debian 6 (squeeze) to 7 (wheezy) upgrade notes

Networking (firewall related)

Some of the older debian servers are firewalled using a command in the ”/etc/network/interfaces” file to load the iptables rules. For some reason this breaks the file on upgrade to Debian wheezy and the network interfaces don’t come up on boot. To fix, comment or remove the line:

pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.conf

and use the iptables-persistent package instead.

Also gives an error on

INPUT -i ! lo

Need to change to

INPUT ! -i lo

(To be fair, this has been deprecated for a while now)


php5-suhosin has been removed from wheezy. The upgrade sort of removes it, but it hangs around as a remove candidate package. Following we check the package status with

dpkg -l | grep -i suhosin

and remove with

dpkg --purge php5-suhosin

This seems to fix the problem (don’t get emailed every so often by cron about it missing)

For next upgrade should remove it first.


Make sure the generic kernel package is installed – have tended to choose the specific one in the past for no good reason.

apt-get install linux-image-amd64

This should ensure the 3.2 kernel is installed as part of the upgrade.