Ran into a couple of issues today:
Note: system setup is Debian 9 with standard options (Apache 2.4, PHP 7.0, MariaDB 10.1)
The documentation implies you should run cron_copy_hitcount.php
as a cron job. However, the new correct way seems to be to run batch/cron.php
, which runs a bunch of sub-jobs. I’ve got this set up in cron.daily as:
#!/bin/sh wget -q -r http://localhost/resourcespace/batch/cron.php
We’ll see if this works. Certainly running it directly by browsing to it seems to work.
Trying to activate the simpleldap plugin threw up two problems:
php-ldap wasn’t installed – easy enough. Note apache needs a restart after installing…
Second error was a problem with the database – the plugin couldn’t create a table, with error
Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
This seems to be because when I created the database the character set used was utf8mb4_general_ci, which in the worst case uses 4 bytes per character. If you try to create a index key with 255 characters you run into this limit.
The solution was to change the database to use utf8_general_ci. This allowed the plugin to create the simpleldap_groupmap
table with utf8_general_ci. The rest of the database is still utf8mb4_general_ci, but as it has been created already without an issue we should be ok.